Home: Franklin Lakes, NJ; Warren, VT; Boca Raton, FL.
Age: 63.
Birthplace: Redwood City, CA.
Profession: Consumer goods executive, board director, advisory director.
Organization: Implus LLC.
Title: Chief Executive Officer, Board Director.
Pronouns: He/Him/His.
Significant other: Trisha Dugan Polk.
Alma mater: Cornell University College of Engineering (BS); Harvard Business School (MBA).
Current project: Get in shape for the next twenty years.
Recent recognition: Everyday acknowledgment from my family. At this point in my life, that is what is most important to me.
Recent professional development: Entered the world of private equity four years ago (after 35+ years in large public companies).
Latest accomplishment: Navigating our company through the global pandemic.
Latest contribution to others: An everyday thing with seven twenty-somethings in our family.
What’s been your big (or biggest leap)? Blending my wife and my family together 22 years ago (seven children under the age of 8).
Hobbies: Reading, skiing, walking, hiking.
Recent travel or adventure: London, Normandy in France, Dubai, Delhi. Next up - Yokohama, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong.
Last book read: American Ulysses, by Ronald C. White.
Recently viewed and recommended: Constellation.
Recent unique acquisition: My mother gifted me an ivory carving that used to be in her parents’ house in Montreal.
Personality profile: Have always been an ISTJ; super hard working, transparent, pretty demanding, humble (let results speak for themselves), accessible, good communicator.
What one word would your closest friend use to describe you? Hard-working.
Moral compass: Do the harder, right thing as opposed to the easier, wrong thing.
How do you define a perfect friendship? Trust, support, empathy.
How do you define an ideal business relationship? Transparent, results oriented.
What is your greatest joy? My family.
What is your greatest fear? Retirement.
What is your guilty pleasure? Pretzels.
What word or phrase do you use far too often? Gosh-darnit!
What natural talent have you neglected? Singing.
What occupation, other than your own, do you most admire? Painters.
What emojis best describe you? 😀❤️.
What is your favorite place (or way) to spend money? Travel.
How do you relieve stress? Reading, watching sports.
What is your go-to workout? Walking.
What ingredient is essential to your perfect vacation? Family.
What was your first paying job? Cutting my neighbors’ grass.
What was your favorite college course? Two: Queuing Theory and Wine Tasting.
What was your favorite childhood toy or game? Two: All-Star Baseball and Risk.
What movie have you repeatedly watched? The Godfather.
What’s prominently featured on your home or office wall? Pictures of my family.
Besides your parents, who has had the greatest influence on your life? My paternal grandfather.
What’s the best advice you received growing up? Attitude trumps aptitude.
What’s the best advice you received in your career? Help others understand your goals within the context of their goals.
What modern technology innovation do you most appreciate? iPhone.
What is your favorite app? USCHO.com (USA College Hockey Organization).
What is your go-to source of news and information? Have to stitch it together these days from multiple online sources (can’t find any one that is objective).
What is your go-to source of creative inspiration? The outdoors.
What company or organization do you most admire? Apple, for their product obsession.
What world event has had the greatest influence on your life? World War II.
What personal circumstance has had the greatest influence on your life? My sister’s disability as a child.
What is your big idea? Build a large digitally native brand from one of the nineteen brands in our brick & mortar portfolio.
What change are you working on to effect in your profession or field? Helping my very young and less experienced team grow.
What change would you like to see in the world? Peace.
What message do you want to send out into the world? Can’t we all just get along?
What widely held belief do you reject? America First.
What mega-trend most excites you? Progress being made on the environment.
What mega-trend most concerns you? The same.
What title would you choose for the movie about your life? A Family Man. It would be a boring movie.
What actor would you choose to play you in the movie about your life? Bruce Willis.
Who would you like to spend an evening with, in heaven? Abraham Lincoln.
As a kid, what did you first want to be when you grew up? Ice hockey player. After your loved ones, what object would you first save from your burning home? After my loved ones and dogs, my computer.
How would you choose to spend tomorrow, if you knew it was your last day on earth? With my family.
What advice would you give your younger self? Spend more time with your kids.
What day in your life would you choose to re-live? I really don’t look backwards.
Personal mission: To get as much done as I possibly can so my very large family can have a comfortable life.
Personal motto: Make a difference.
Favorite quote: “If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change your attitude” (Maya Angelou).
Desired epitaph: Good father, good husband, good person.